Well, after a really long hiatus...hello again and Happy New Year! A couple of months ago I started a brand new job with The Mustard Seed, a non-profit organization based in Edmonton's inner city. I'm [...]
The Swan
Colin is playing Camille Saint-Saens’ The Swan at his cello recital on Saturday. It is a gorgeous piece of music, and he plays it well. His tuning is excellent, vibrato controlled, and he plays with emotion, just like his teacher. I love to accompany him. But as we were practicing tonight, I wondered what it will be like to hear him play The Swan in 30 years. He will be 42, one year older than I am now. I cannot even begin to imagine where life will have taken him, the triumphs and tragedies that he will have walked through, the lessons that life will have thrust upon him. And from this place, of having experienced both deep joy and pain, loss of innocence, knowing himself more fully, and hopefully knowing God more fully, what depth of emotion will he bring to the bow on the string? […]
All Will Be Well
The winter’s cold, but the snow still lightly settles on the trees And a mess is still a moment I can seize until I know that All will be well ~ The Gabe Dixon Band We’ve had two picture perfect Alberta winter days in row – sunny and bright, crisp but happy. Blair told me that this winter is the cloudiest we’ve seen in decades…maybe that’s why the past couple of days have seemed especially lovely. The sun is the one thing that gets me through our frigid winter months. I picture God saying, “Well, you do have to wait to plant your garden until after the May long weekend, so I’ll give you sunshine to go with that -25C”. I’m grateful. […]
Girl Talk
“We like to chat about the dresses we will wear tonight, about our tresses and the neighbour’s fight…inconsequential things that men don’t really care to know…become essential things that girls all find so apropos…it’s all been planned, just take my hand, please understand the sweetest girl talk…” […]
The Swim
The race official’s pointer finger flexed and closed around the air horn’s trigger. I silently prayed that I would make it through the swim. A shrill blast pierced the air and Julianna and Colin dove into the water. They were in a group of 20-odd eight and nine-year olds doing the Alberta Challenge Kids Of Steel Triathlon at Miquelon Lake. […]
The Barista
Yesterday morning, running late for a 9am meeting, I figure I can squeeze in a Starbucks drive-thru stop (since it’s conveniently located on the corner of the only way in and out of our neighbourhood). I pull in and the chipper voice asks what she can get started for me. […]